For everyone who does not know, I am a military fiance, and from October to the middle of December I have been learning how to live alone as Caleb was off at basic training, but the day finally came when we got to reunite and see each other again for the first time in over 2 months. For those of you who do not have a loved one in the military this feeling is hard to explain. The best way that I can explain it is that it is an overwhelming amount of emotions, joy, pure happiness, and some disbelief. The whole time we were waiting to see Caleb it didn’t even feel like life was real, I honestly felt like I was living in a dream! Caleb was stationed in South Carolina and although he was so close we had remotely no communication for the duration that he was gone except for letters! We missed a lot of each other’s lives and memories that we couldn’t share together but nothing will beat the feeling I had when I finally got to run into his arms on the field! And yes I was crying like a big old baby before we even got to go out onto the field so don’t even ask what I looked like when we finally found him.
As military significant others and family members, we are expected to be strong and hold everything together while our soldier runs around doing all the crazy jobs it entails but this is all a learning curve when you first enter into this path of life. Time away from your soldier never gets easier, but every second away makes every second even better!
Caleb got to come home right before the holidays and we just got to be your “stereotypical” couple! Every day we got to do our favorite activities together: get coffee, be active (hiking, going to the beach) eat AMAZING food, and do so many other regular daily activities that I always took for granted. While he was home we also traveled to Pennsylvania to see family for the holiday, before we drove him back down to Georgia for him to go back to base to start Officer Candidate School.
Our three months apart started on January 3rd, and as always goodbyes are never easy but being a part of the military community has been so amazing especially going through this journey and meeting so many amazing people! I am so thankful for the support from not only my family and friends but also all of you my clients who have been so supportive and understanding during this crazy time of my life! If you are in a military relationship my messages are always open!