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Last year I started noticing people starting their new year off by choosing a word to set for their year ahead. Rather than only focusing on their new year’s resolution they use that word to focus goals around. I have used this word not only to help myself in my own daily life but also […]

My word for 2023

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For everyone who does not know, I am a military fiance, and from October to the middle of December I have been learning how to live alone as Caleb was off at basic training, but the day finally came when we got to reunite and see each other again for the first time in over […]

Caleb Coming home!

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2021 was nothing short of a roller coaster with countless ups and downs! It was the year my business grew, I graduated college, and learned life lessons I had not yet learned. Every year is a learning yet and 2021 didn’t disappoint! I cannot wait for you to see this years wrap

My Yearly Wrap